🎉 Now Available for 1.21+

Shader Packs Bundle

Minecraft shaders are the perfect way to add stunning graphics and realistic lighting effects to your game. With various shader packs, you can customize your game to suit your preferences and create an immersive and visually appealing world.

See what's included in this bundle

CaptTatsu’s BSL Shaders

Created by CaptTatsu

AstraLex Shaders

Created by LexBoosT

Chocapic13’s Shaders

Created by Choca_13

MakeUp Ultra Fast Shaders

Created by XavierFST

Beyond Belief Shaders

Created by Dakotah2468

ProjectLUMA Shaders

Created by DeDelner

Exposa Unique Shaders

Created by negorolxvv

Wisdom Shaders

Created by Bobcao3

Pebble Host




Easy to Install

Easy To Install

We offer a well documented installation guide on our website. We break it down step by step to make sure you sucessfully get shaders installed!

Regular Updates

Regular Updates

We release monthly updates, we add new shader packs to our bundle, as well as update out of date shader packs that may not have been fully supported on the latest version.

Safe Download

Safe Download

Our downloads are only from the official developer, so you can be sure they are secure. No modifications or edits are made to the files.

Ultimate Shader Bundle

Download button will appear in 5 seconds

Minecraft Server Hosting

Powerful servers with high-end enterprise hardware that will guarantee high performance and reliability for your community.

Installing Shaders

Minecraft shaders are the perfect way to add stunning graphics and realistic lighting effects to your game. With various shader packs, you can customize your game to suit your preferences and create an immersive and visually appealing world.

Step #1

Install Optifine

You're going to want to install OptiFine from optifine.net


Step #2

Run Optifine.jar

When you double click on the OptiFine,jar download file, you should see this menu. Please select Install.


If this menu does not open for you, please install the latest Java Runtime.

Step #3

Create a new Installation

Go to your Minecraft Launcher and select the "Installations" tab at the top.
Create a new installation and search for the Optifine installation from the dropdown.


Step #4

Launch the game!

Now simply select the OptiFine installation from the dropdown and click play!

Step #5

Download Shader Packs Bundle

If you haven't already downloaded our shader packs bundle, please click here!

Step #6

Go to Minecraft's directory

Press Windows Key + R, it should open a menu called "Run". Type %appdata% and click "ok".

Once you click "ok" open the ".minecraft" folder.

Step #7

Installing Shaders bundle

Find the "shaderpacks" folder within ".minecraft". If it does not yet exsist, please create one.
Upload your shaderpacks.zip file into that folder directly.

Step #8

Extracting The Bundle

Once the ShaderPacks.zip file is in the "shaderpacks" folder,
right click on the file and select "Extract All".


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